Free Ebook: Habitat Digital Covid Hospitality Industry Reboot and Customer Engagement

The Covid Hospitality Industry Reboot kicked off on June 1, but there is no doubt that the pubs, clubs, bars, cafes and restaurants were amongst the hardest hit during lockdown.

This is why we have put together this free Ebook to help stimulate customer engagement in this new normal.


Key Covid Hospitality Industry Reboot Takeaways

  • Getting repeat visits is key for their businesses success
  • Creating loyal customers is important
  • Staff can have conflicting ideas about the right music
  • DJ’s are expensive and jukeboxes can negatively impact the atmosphere
  • Increasing the transaction value drives profit
  • Engaging customers across all mediums within the venue can be challenging



COVID Hospitality Industry Reboot – how we can help

For audio & visual, our efforts are based on three pillars:

  1. Reduced cost options of our customers
  2.  Increased revenue opportunities
  3. Provision of curated atmospheres and engaging experiences



COVID Hospitality Industry Reboot – reduced cost options

We recognise that as a supplier our costs are relatively low but nonetheless, we’d like to make you aware of those
Content-type (ranked in order of lowest to highest cost):

  1. Audio-only
  2. Audio plus image signage channel (client supplied content)
  3. Audio plus licensed visual content
  4. Music videos



We are seeing greater acceptance of alternative licensed content and use/acceptance of the content in the mainstream. Using this music library means you don’t have to pay OneMusic fees – so you can eliminate the need for a separate dining license. If you would like a sample playlist, please let us know.


Reduced prices

We are committed to offering the best value products and services. Of course, there are economies of scale, so if you are a multi-site business and can increase yield across the sites, we can look to reduce the cost of our service to your business.


COVID Reboot – increasing revenue

As well as the curation of audio and visual content, our business expertise is procurement and integration of AV and interactive technology.

Typically our services are engaged at the design phase, working closely with designers, architects and builders to plan the role of technology and the backbone that supports it.

We work across multiple industry sectors where we “R&D”, pilot and deploy technology which will boost sales and improve customer engagement. This process can shore up ROI.

Are you happy with your CRM? Do you feel your tactics to improve transaction value could be improved? Has your business successfully transitioned to the virtual world? Is your online presence engaging, enticing and attracting the customer?

We are keen to work with our customers to fulfill the potential role that technology can play in the front-end of your business. Talk to us so we can tailor a solution that will be deployed to maximise your return on investment.


COVID Reboot – Curated atmospheres & engaging experiences

Your customers will have adjusted to life at home and the new behaviour is a challenge that the foodservice industry will need to overcome.

Furthermore, it reinforces the need to provide a great experience to your customers – one they can’t get at home. Our role in this scenario is twofold.

Firstly, it is to ensure that what we do compliments and in some instances enhance, the customer experience throughout their journey.

The customer connection with your business starts away from it and is facilitated by your digital marketing efforts and can be
reviewed by one of our online presence specialists. The technology we deploy on premise should compliment and integrate your CRM including social media communications and loyalty programs.

Secondly, we get the venue atmosphere right through curation of music and visual content.

Evocative content is an important component of the customer experience and should work harmoniously with your interior design.

Furthermore, an important component of understanding your customer’s experience is measuring behaviour: How engaging is the content? What mood does it elicit? Has there been a change in duration of the visit to your business?

Those are some of the questions that the right technology can answer.