Display Village Wi-Fi Analytics

Display Village Wi-Fi Analytics is a great way to gather useful data from potential clients who have visited a sales office.

Because the useful lifespan of a village is often less than 5-years,  significant investment from builders and developers is required.

Therefore understanding customer behaviour and providing that information to builders is crucial. 

Most importantly, this information aids in business planning and display village design.

Finally, we work with the developer and supply technology that gathers data and monitor it to ensure up-time.

Check out the installation of digital signage and interactive technology we did at the sales office at Calderwood.

We can help your business integrate with your analytics platform and interactive technology. 


How we implement Display Village Wi-Fi Analytics

We partner with the world-renowned SkyFii to deliver accurate results within physical venues.

The technology is well suited to Display Villages, but can be put into effect in most physical venues such as retail outlets, shopping centres, restaurants, bars, pubs and clubs.

The data which is gathered is non-invasive and only monitors wi-fi signals within a particular geofence.

This means that you can see which hotspots potential clients stand at, signalling that they are looking at your window card promotion for example.

It will also tell you how long they stand there and where they move to next.

Crucially, the data will tell you which spots they are not spending time at. Think of it like Google analytics for physical venues. The real value is knowing which parts of your venue are being used well, and which are not. 

The analytics have the power to show you which part of your venue contributes to a bounce rate. If they stand at 3 points and engage with the experience then move on to the fourth and walk out of the door, then you know that number four is a problem.

Do you want to take advantage of Wi-fi analytics? We can help your business. Get in touch or call us on tel: +61 (130) 567-8912


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