Sales Office Interactive Technology

The Figtree Hill Sales office interactive technology is impressive. The challenge of this project is selling land that is at a remote location.

Figtree Hill has a superior customer experience which is designed to immerse the client and engage them with the prospect of living in the area.

Lead Generation and Analytics through interactive tech

The communication objective of the outward-facing touch screen is lead generation and analytics through facial detection. The software can recognise the difference between males, females and children. 

Through an in-built algorithm, it can also determine approximate ages and serve up predetermined inspirational promotional images or videos.

The self-serve kiosks feature a very powerful media player that delivers an engaging multimedia experience, self-guided Virtual Reality experience.

The content includes a history of the area supported by promotional videos, information points, drone overfly footage and plans showing the layout of the suburb.

The system also includes a staff presenter platform where an illusion that documents are being thrown up onto the screens is created through the clever use of digital signals, like the movie Minority Report.

Dynamic Digital Display and Soundscape

The renders feature evocative scenery and the text reinforces the key communication messages. Furthermore, portrait animations that play on outward-facing screens are scheduled by daypart.

Simple Calls To Action reflect whether the office is open or closed. The outward-facing screen is also an interactive kiosk.

Two platforms also integrate the touch screens with the adjacent video wall for dynamic digital signage display as part of the sales office interactive technology package.

The content is managed remotely and new videos and images can be added into playback rotation with minimal effort. Equally, content can be scheduled to expire, or be expired once it becomes obsolete.

To further promote an immersive experience, the Bose background music system plays a custom-curated soundscape.

The sounds, which feature pleasant wildlife and ambient water, were recorded at the Royal National Park that is in close proximity to the project site.

The sounds were edited and filtered to remove anything unpleasant and were then fused with the perfect match of music to blend it into the overall experience, perfectly bridging the physical and digital senses.

The Figtree Hill video captures exactly what Habitat Digital created for this client.

If you’d like to learn more about how we assist property developers sell or lease property, visit our prop tech page

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